Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Pikiran Positif: Anti GALAU :D

Hi readers, kembali bersama saya yang (puji Tuhan) tetap baik-baik saja walaupun ujian kuliah maupun ujian hidup menghampiri tak hentinya, saking betahnya nguji saya yang jarang nggak lulus. Lumayan sih diuji mulu, jadi bisa dong apa-apa hehe.
Well it’s already 1 AM and I’ve just away from Chemistry books. Just like usually when sudden ideas come up to mind, what if not to be shared? 

So, readers pasti sering denger beberapa tahun belakangan sebuah kata ‘galau’. Yak, 5 huruf yang terangkai sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa menjeleb-jelebkan mereka-mereka yang parah hati, sedih-sedihan mikirin gebetan, and sooo on suka-suka nyebutnya apa.
Actually, galau itu sebaiknya dihapuskan dari hati dan pikiran sesegera mungkin lho teman.

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Life is G(o)od

The goodness of God really is always there. When happy, while difficult, really difficult time. The goodness of God as a surprise both in trouble. As dreams are tucked among the bleak and scary dream. Really there. The Good Lord was to see me, see you, love you. For proof, one day me and you run out of ways to survive, He's always surprising course. Either party by giving leftover food from neighbors, the invention of money the sidelines of old clothes, even when it did not know what to pay rent, the Lord comes to deliver through a scholarship that comes on suddenly like without selection. God is always good to bring me, you, the people who make life more meaningful and alive. Praise and praise, not knowing what is appropriate grateful like to give thanks. Even people who are lazy like me worship according to the ordinances, the Lord is good! God gave me a chance, for you, and happy to share. The proof, there are always new people in my days, your days, which is ready to be friends. Listener and narrator. Beautiful is not it? Even when I, you, hopeless about the trust, the Lord opened the truth. So I, you, stay glued.
Thank God, The Only Everything.