Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

That is Why...

i'm so starving, but i'm not going to eat anything
i'm so need to do tasks, but i'm desperately fear of one thing right this moment

i was so silly, how could i decide something (may) wrong
i was so needing to calm me down about my fearness of death--one thing i have been wondering most
that is why i'm now like you know
that is why i'm becoming someone you don't hope for
that is (maybe) why i'm now so scared of ONE THING

yes it is about feeling, if you would like to know
yes it is about a story of my life
yes it is (once again) about fortune
yes it is something related to God's plan
and yes..
it is one thing i have been waiting for and dreaming of


i wish it was not a threat
i'm sooooo wishing it was not a scary thing
if only you tried to recognize that ONE THING

i'm happy as well scared..

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